Food For Your Soul

Soul Luxury Blog



One of the seeds for the book was planted in the summer of 2020 at a Mayan Wisdom Keepers’ gathering. In the middle of the English countryside surrounded by large trees, Claudia Roth

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Conscious Leadership

Conscious Leadership

We are in the middle of a major transformation of consciousness, and it is influencing many levels of our society. Beneath the surface a major current is surging through.

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Mental & Emotional Detox

Mental & Emotional Detox

The better we understand the nature of our mind the more we are regaining our life. A 5-week self-study programme in collaboration with Wellbeing At Home.

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Let the Light in, Switch it on

Let the Light in, Switch it on

Nobody wants to suffer, feel anxious or even feel depressed yet accessing joy, peace and calm is not always possible. Or is it? How to manage the ups and downs of life.

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