Services For Your Journey
Quantum Energy Coaching
We all seek health, happiness and fulfilment. Through my own journey and quest for healing I have learnt that each of us has the power to heal and transform, especially by changing deeply rooted beliefs. We possess unlimited abilities.
Rediscover Yourself
– Intensive Programme
As the world is changing your life is changing. You feel tired, exhausted and overwhelmed by work and your responsibility? You miss your clarity, empowerment and vitality yet are ready to create a new beginning? Soul Luxury offers personalised 1 day & 3 day “Rediscover Yourself programmes for you to discover who you truly are.
Writing Your Book
Have you ever wanted to write your own book but experience blockages? You may believe your story is not worth a book or you have a belief you can’t write or simply don’t know how to start from a blank page. There are many beliefs which hold us back to embrace life fully. Whatever your beliefs you can overcome them, if you choose to. We have developed a programme helping aspiring authors to turn an idea into reality. If of interest, get in touch to learn how we can help you.
Wellbeing @Work
In difficult times it is natural that leaders and many employees are struggling with feelings of fear and anxiety, sometimes to the point of feeling engulfed and overwhelmed.