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General FAQ

What separates Soul Luxury from other wellbeing providers and wellness coaches?

I combine my extensive business experience and my inner search and apply it to everything I do. I have the gift to unlock people’s thinking patterns and create communities where people feel safe, non-judged and understood.

What are some of the benefits of incorporating your wellness and self-growth tools into my life?

Why do some negative issues repeatedly come back into your life? The moment you become interested in your own inner world, you empower yourself to make changes. And, as a result your outer world will change.

How does Quantum Energy work? Is it a type of healing technique?

Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) is a simple and effective coaching tool that aims to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level. Doing so has the potential to free you up to be in alignment with your conscious (and unconscious) goals.

What could be my first step on the path of spirituality as a complete beginner?

This is very unique to each individual. You may want to check out Soul Luxury’s curated meditation library and connect to a topic you are drawn to.

Read my article here given insights about the various types of meditations.

Is walking in silence a form of meditation?

Yes. Doing gardening work, painting, singing can all be a form of meditation.

How can I meet new people with a spiritual approach?

There are many networks available online and offline. Soul Luxury is such a community.


Do online meditation groups work?

Only you can decide for yourself whether something works or not. Try it out and decide.


How can this training and tools be used to bring about change in my life?

Soul Luxury offers various tools to establish an inner practice to find alignment with your true self which knows what it needs to live in peace and harmony. Be curious and be guided by your intuition.

What is the purpose of Quantum Energy Coaching (practices)?

Install new powerful beliefs to attract abundance and peace into your life.



You talk about healing. What is healing?

Healing is about becoming whole again. This can mean to heal from a physical ailment, but it can also mean to recover from bad experiences, trauma or residual painful emotions following an adverse life event.



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