Quantum Field Meditation
A Community Space to Inner Peace
I am often asked what is Quantum Mediation?
We are a global community for reflection and deeper contemplation where everybody is welcomes as perfect and as imperfect as we all are. We lean into a journey to make peace with our own complexities valuing support of a like-minded and heartfelt community. We rest in the awareness that what we seek – inner peace – is seeking us.
How does it work?
We meet weekly on Thursday’s in the Quantum Field at 10pm CET time for 20/30 minutes (no video). It’s free. We are a group connected on WhatsApp. We share our experience afterwards, if we choose to.
Each meditation focuses on a topic and is announced in the WhatsApp group. Check out previous meditations HERE.
Why to join?
It’s a space to step back from life to access a deeper state of calmness and peace in the quantum presence of like minded people like you and me.
Join the healing power of the collective. I invite you to help spread the word.